Just after viewing a movie (completely unrelated), gave a thought in my mind that: {Hate vs Love}
How far it is correct to hate someone or some kind of people when it comes with the un-deserved act by someone alone?
Ya, I know that this is really a very deep thought if we think over this concept completely. I wondered why people hate someone who loves them a lot or someone whom should deserve in return too.
Well, it is realistic to hate someone for a cause faced earlier by someone else or to hate some kind of people for a cause done by their kind in the past. But the question still arises that why this happens in ones life.
For an instance lets take a virtual story of a girl/boy (consider yourself at this place) who hates a lot their opponent(s). At this stage, a boy/girl (1st person) hating every girl/boy (2nd person) due to his past with a selfish one he had in his life, but, many of you would be thinking that:
- Case 1 First person is wrong if he/she hates every second opposite person in the world and practically it is, as this doesnt makes sense that due to one bad person others dont deserve respect.
So this is my question for that person who thinks that the 1st person is wrong if he/she hates the opposite because of a cause done by one? For case 1
Why do you think that the first person is wrong if he/she hates the opposite in that particular case when we all ourselves choose to do the same when it turns to our turn? Puzzled, dont be it is as clean as a plain glass, because we all thinks in the same manner as they did. How? Just for an instance, recall the worst thing you feel which exists in your world or may be in this entire world. Now, start loving it! What, do this seems stupidity to you or is this seems difficult to you guys, may be any of the reason but you wont regret this If you will read the study of case 2. And yes, you might be right in some cases but here you are wrong because they are doing the same thing just like (eg.) an insect breed just because the reason was once you got trouble with the insect of that kind. (plz, recall this insect as whatever you hate most like lizard, spider, even lady bug).
- Case 2 – First person is absolutely correct if he/she hates every second opposite person in the world and practically it is, as due to one bad person others dont deserve the trust being of same kind.
So this is my question for that person who thinks that the 1st person is correct/right if he/she hates the opposite because of a cause done by one? For case 2
Why do you think that the First person is correct/ right if he/she hates the opposite in that particular case when we ourselves choose the other things to do when it comes to our turn? Puzzled again, well this is extremely different from case 1. Because, hating is not the solution to any reason as far as I am concerned with my gained knowledge yet. We always study and learn from our childhood that we should not hate anybody for any reason and must learn to compromise with what happened in the past. But, still many (mostly) have never resulted out with what we learned at our childhood times may thats the reason we heard at that time from our elders that you are just a small kid currently, may be later. Moreover, we have been taught to struggle and fight against our fears, become brave and gain faith in ourselves to face that again with a smile. I dont know how many of us gains that but really that the prettiest thing in our life to see.
I also believe that the reason of hating the other for any reason born due to one of its kind is our fear. Yes, I am correct my dear friends that we fear of facing the same trouble or issues again in our life which ruined our time period in the past. But, this world is for brave ones
Darr k aage jeet hai
and every single person has the right to live a brave life. And you must agree that if you are brave enough to face that again, it means there is no reason to avoid other happiness of life which is getting missed due to that fear which is always placed near happiness.
So finally, can you tell me you belong to which case?
case 1 or case 2
Moral: every new person is life should really see a new life of yours, remember thinking of future makes you always happy (because we see what we want to be) & Thinking of past brings almost tears in our lives. Keep Smiling.
Any other suggestion would be appreciated from you and can be added below in the comment box.
Thanking you,