Metropolitan – By Kriti Sharma


Nine years ago you took birth
You were named as Delhi metro
We all waited for you desperately
The moment we saw you
Our mouth wide opened
We came to meet you
With our fingers we touched you
Felt your cold silver seats beneath us

You had steel body with illuminating eyes
You were long, you were sleek
Your first dress had red lines
That was how u looked nine years back

Now you have grown into a python from a little snake
Your four compartments grew into six
You are more systematic as you give alerts
You are more sensible and caring (especially for women)
You respect them and give them a separate coach
You are equal to all
Race, caste, creed does not bothers you
You move up in the air
You rule down in the hell
You open your mouth and swallow us all
We are alive down there inside your stomach
You take us along with you
We sway back and forth with your tempo
Then suddenly you vomit us out at desired venues

Yet how much old you become
Youll still be the same
Neat and clean, strong and sleek
Youll still be the best
We wish you never die
You help us in our survival
Without you it would not have been Metropolitan
It was you who made the word real..

Poem By,

Kriti Sharma