Why To Add A Featured Image In Page as well as in Post ? Where It Benefits ?

Adding a featured image to a post and as well as to a page is equally important in word press for a good quality blogging and SEO Results. may be you would be wondering that where is this thumbnail image shown in consideration of a page, and you should because it never ever appears on your word press blog.

Puzzle: Why Choosing a featured image for a page when it doesn’t appears anywhere in the entire word press blog ?

well, if we really go through the entire elements of a word press blog am sure you find any featured image shown for a page. neither you can see it, in the header or footer menu of static pages nor you can see it in the sidebar menu of pages. then the point is where do we see the featured image of a Page of a Word Press Blog?

Do We See Featured Image Here….. (as shown in the above picture) ? – NO, THIS IS NOT A FEATURED IMAGE. This is a Google Authorship which shows your image along your blog in search results…. See more about Google Authorship…

Ok, let me tell you: where do we see the featured image of a Page of a Word Press Blog? as shown in the below image provided you can see the function of a featured image of a word press blog, while sharing it’s link with the various social profiles like facebook, google+, linkedin, etc…

the benefit of this featured image is that it expresses about the static page – which is commonly used for important things regarding your site like policies, contact information , about owner, or it could be anything else.

See: How to Add A Featured Image In Post As Well As In Page Of A WordPress ?

so, i hope this article was for your complete satisfaction and understanding that why is it equally important to use a featured image in post as well as in the Page of your Blog (Word Press).

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Himanshu Goel