The most important thing for doing SEO with your Blog or Site is using perfect Meta Tags. There many different kinds of meta tags which are used withing pages to grab the attention of the Search Engines. The Search Engines detect the content of the pages on the basis of these meta tags itself.
These Meta Tags are used in Head section of the Website or Webpage enclosed within: <Head></Head>
Define a Title of your web page:
<title> Title of The Page or Article </title>
The First thing which we should do and Search Engines Searches/Considers is the Page Title (As shown in the above image by hovering the Browser’s Tab or try now). Now, Title is also accepted and considered as a Keywords Meta Tag, which helps Search Engines to find the Content Related to the Article. That is the big reason that every where you learn to keep a Good Title as first thing.
The maximum Characters a Search Engines captures is limited to a maximum of 60 characters including all spaces and symbols. you have to be specific with the Title as it is most important and in case of Long Titles it is recommended to you keywords first so that the last words could be neglected by Search Engines with no -ve effect.
Recommendation: Must Think before starting and after completing the post that is the Title to the Post perfect and resembles with the Content written in.
WordPress Users: It is very good to use a Page Title as your Meta Tags for Search Title of the Page or Post. Simply be specific about the Title.
Define a description of your web page:
<meta name=”description” content=”Reliable 4 You is all what you need…”>
This Article defines all about what are meta tags and how to use them perfectly to get a better optimized Article or Page.
Learn how to use Meta Tags
This is the most Important and Complete Effective Meta Tag. The next thing concerned by all Search Engines and therefore you have to be Completely Specific and Reliable with your Description. You can use it more than once in a single page but limited to maximum 4 and that doesn’t means you provides totally different information in all four – “Being Xtra Smarter can Make you a Complete Fool” – but not them.
The Description Meta Tags are limited to a maximum of a 160 characters and should be limited to it, moreover, this includes all spaces, comma’s, and special characters (if any). The Description should be Specific to the content of the Page and should be limited to its content only, which excludes adding words for external linked articles or topics.
Recommended: Use 2 of the Description Meta Tags only, one with the Blog or Site Information and other one for the Page Information only.
WordPress Users: By Default Consider and maintain Site Description under Settings tab (Site Tagline). Be specific about Site Tagline as it is the First Tags of your Word Press Blog or Site.
Define the author of a page:
<meta name=”author” content=”Himanshu Goel, Reliable,”>
This is a Author Meta Tag used to name the author(s) behind the Site or Blog or a Single Page or Post. These Meta Tags allows Search Engines to Define The Articles with their Authors who have written them for you. This is limited to name the Author to its Article and therefore can be finished with the Name(s) of Author(s).
WordPress Users: Every Post or Page by default uses your Profile Name for this Tag: therefore be genuine and use full name for managing your Profile and its contents.
Define keywords for search engines:
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Reliable, 4, you, web, services, trusted”>
These meta tags are used to set content keywords on every page by default. Yes, it is set for every page in the Header Section as per the page content and the keywords to be sorted out by Search Engines. you can use more than one Meta Tags for Keywords which lets you to create a common Keywords Meta Tags for the header section and then, adding more keywords in another Tag as per Pages and their Contents.
This doesn’t means that you put the whole content in to the Meta Tags Keywords. you have to be specific about your keywords to be sorted out in the Search Engine Search Results. The Overuse of these Keywords will neglect all to null, and they will be ignored by the Search Engines.
Also, now-a-days according to few SEO Specialists, it is heard that the Search Engines have Excluded using Meta Tags “Keywords” for SEO purpose as it is not used up Properly & Thus confuses the system. Well, some says it is used by Search Engines but up to a very short and being specific limits.
Recommendation: Use Maximum limit of keywords to 5-6 (text characters limited to 50 characters) only.
Suggestions for Better SEO:
1. Use SEO for WordPress Plugin – which handles all your Title Tags, Description tags, and Keywords tags automatically.