Adding A Plugin to your WordPress site is much easier than writing a post to your WordPress blog or site. with the following steps provided below you can easily install a plugin without using your site’s control panel or any other FTP Tool to upload a plugin in the plugin’s directory.
We will talk about 2 things in this article or post related to plugin’s
How to install a Plugin Without using FTP or Control Panel
What are the benefits of installing a plugin directly from
So, Let’s start with the first Thing: How to install a Plugin Without using FTP or Control Panel?
1: Go to site’s dashboard (login to WordPress site’s Dashboard)
2: on the left side choose ADD NEW option under Plugins (either directly by hovering plugins tab above image or by entering plugins and then choose ADD NEW)
3: now, if you know the plugin’s name then in the search block enter the plugins name as shown in the image provided or simply use any of the Tags to find a new plugin suitable for you.
4: Click on the Install Button as shown in the image to install the plugin in your wordpress blog or site to get it available in your plugins directory.
5: Finally, click on the activate button to activate the plugin and get it in use instantly.
6: It’s Over – Do Something Else Now (don’t you have other things to do) 🙂
(this process is limited to available plugins in the WordPress directory only)
>> See here for more about Plugins individually.
Now, let’s see the list of benefits by using this process of plugin installation in wordpress:
1: No need to download any file from internet and and then upload to your site’s directory which saves:
- bandwidth
- download data
- upload data
- time to download and upload
- procedure to download and upload
2: Works get in a faster and better way, rather a slow process of step by step going for the same
3: you don’t need to access your control panel for such small things or using other sources like FTP Control access and modifying directories manually.
4: Security – Well, if you are not downloading files from one server to your computer and uploading the files back from your computer to the server, then, there is also no chance of downloading any virus to your computer from the web or to your server from your computer.
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