Hello Bloggers!
In this article we will discuss about some useful tips that can help All Bloggers to customize their Sites or Blogs easily. This can be done with a very Small Knowledge of CSS codes which are Really Important to learn for Customizing the Layout of your Blogs or Sites.
What we are going to do now?
In this Article – It is assumed that you guys know about the CSS Styling Codes and are ready to implement them properly in Blogs or Sites. This article will let you know about the alternatives to add CSS Styling Codes in case you don’t have the custom CSS option in your themes and you don’t want to change or edit the Original Theme File to get future updates for your Current Theme.
How this can be done without changing the original file and adding custom CSS Styling Codes in the Webpage?
Almost in every Blogging or Site Developing Platform there is an option used for Adding Text or HTML Sources known as “Text Widget or HTML Widget”. These widgets have a great tendency of converting HTML Codes into Visual or Normal view mode; thus, enclosing the Styling Codes within Style Tags allows you to work with custom CSS Addition in your Webpage.
How to add Code?
<style> (opening tag)
Add your custom CSS Styling Codes here…
</style> (closing tag)
No matter you choose a widget at the initial of a page or at the last of a page it will work same in all the cases. As the widgets are loaded after the Original CSS File which is included in the Header Section of the Page, the later added Styling will work finally due to the Web Rule which implies last command to work overwriting all previous ones. This means that your addition to Styling Codes in the Text/HTML Widget within Style Tags will work fine and is a better alternative to edit or change the Original Theme File(s).
For any other queries you can leave the comment below and you will be replied with a better options or alternatives whichever required…