It has proved as a great thing – using images available on the web for your use in your wordpress blog or website. This not only saves your server space, bandwidth and time but also makes your blog or site loading faster and easier. (see how: it can help)
See more ways of using shared content for your blog.
How to use images available over the web on your own wordpress blogs:
- Go to image Search for the image you want to use in your wordpress blog.
- Give A Right click over the image to open the options menu & Select Copy image as Shown in the picture.
- Now, paste the image into your wordpress creating or editing post/page at the right place where required.
- Setting The Image Size after pasting in the editing page. Click over the image after pasting in your wordpress area and see the 2 small icons on the top left corner, watch the below picture.
- Now, by selecting the first icon open a windows as shown in the above picture showing options to reduce the size of the image by percentage. select the new size and press ok.
- Finally, you can check the image view by previewing the image in the browser.
Note: Setting the image size now check out the size of the image you are going to use that is, you want to use same size or original size of the image. If you want to see the size of the image to be appeared on your blog just give a right click over the image and choose “view image”. If satisfied than give again a right clicks over the image.
See: Codes and settings For HTML (Full Details)
Also See: How To Use Flickr For Images In Your WordPress Blog Or Html Website
Best image size: for wordpress users is 640px in width, for maximum themes and layouts which gives a full width look into the browsers in original.
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